My mother, who is 87 years old, has had a passion for crafts her whole life ...occasionally she would say : if I were to lay all my projects out on a path, I wonder how long that path would be !
Unfortunately, because her eyesight has dramatically deteriorated over the years, she was afraid she would have to give up crafting all together and this made her feel sad. So when I was making projects for a Craft Fair, I asked her to help me ... if she could crochet some simple squares, I would turn them into a pillowcover. See below our finished product :
We are both pretty pleased with our joint project ! Isn't it perfect to brighten up the old wicker chair ?
My mother's health is not very good at the moment .... crocheting and knitting help her to 'escape' her illness for a short while. I try to come up with projects that are very easy for her to do.... at the moment she is knitting squares, which I will later turn into a blanket. She enjoys making things for me and I enjoy finishing them. I love to see her happy reaction when I show her a finished project..... it mirrors my happiness every time ;-).
Happy crafting !
'What art offers is space - a certain breathing room for the spirit' - John Updike
About Me
- 'Madelief' homemade art
- Welcome ! My name is Elly Zegers-Heusschen and I live the Netherlands. I am a very creative person with a passion for folklore and native arts and crafts. I am looking forward to sharing this passion with you.
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